Vascular Access Services
TridentCare brings the state-of-the-art technologies to patients wherever they call home. Most notable is our new ultrasound-guided Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) insertions, which uses Electrocardiogram (EKG) technology to expedite confirmation of tip placement. This new approach – widely considered the gold-standard in the vascular field – has been proven to maximize success rates and positive experiences for our patients.

Facility and Patient Benefits
Cost effective – retain your patient and avoid re-hospitalization
Skilled vascular access specialist with portable ultrasound provide fewer needle sticks preserving veins and providing less risk to the patient
Proper vascular device selection will result in fewer complications. A Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter is recommended for long term intravenous therapy and for the administration of any therapy that is considered a vesicant.
PICC service provided within 24 hours
PICC may be used immediately with new EKG tip location technology or Digital X-ray technology when needed
With proper care and maintenance, a PICC can be maintained for up to 12 months.
The ability to provide on-site vascular access will reduce re-hospitalization

Skilled Nursing Services Available
Vascular Access including PICC, Midline, and Peripheral IV insertions
Implanted port accessing or de-accessing
Central line removal (non-tunneled lines)
PICC assessment
Central line troubleshooting
Line de-clotting (medication needs to be provided by facility pharmacy)
Nurse education for competencies in peripheral intravenous insertion, central line dressing changes, and peripheral intravenous care and maintenance
CEU education

Why Choose TridentCare for Onsite PICC Insertion?
Our specialized Skilled Vascular RNs come to the patient, eliminating the need for hospital transport, potentially avoiding unnecessary expenses such as costly transportation and hospital fees.
Increased Satisfaction
Increased Satisfaction
Our providers use ultrasound guidance, reducing the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and increasing the success of placement. Fewer needle sticks mean a more comfortable experience for our patients.
Improved Efficiencies
Improved Efficiencies
Immediate confirmation of proper PICC tip position at the bedside reduces time to infusion therapy and decreases clinician time spent on PICC tip repositioning.
Increased Success
Increased Success
Our clinicians utilize EKG Tip location technology—the newest practice to expedite confirmation of tip placement – which maximizes success rates and positive experiences for our patients. (Per the 2016 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice.
Streamlined Processes
Streamlined Processes
With just one quick call to our PICC service direct line, our team of specialists will schedule and process your order. If a PICC confirmation X-ray is required by the treating clinician, we can transmit our digital images to a radiologist from the patient’s bedside for immediate and accurate results.
Outstanding Safety Protocols
Outstanding Safety Protocols
Our team uses Maximum Barrier Precautions and strictly adheres to all safety standards according to Infusion Nursing Society, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Association for Vascular Access.